Becoming a parent involves many stages of change and learning. Whether you're thinking about becoming a parent, currently pregnant, or already a parent, support is available for you. This page connects you to the information and resources you need at every step.
We acknowledge that individuals of all genders and sexes may be in a caregiving, parenting, or feeding relationship with a child. We recognize language is constantly evolving, and we strive to use gender-affirming language when talking about infant feeding and parenting.
If you or your child are having medical concerns, contact your health care provider or connect with a registered nurse at Health811. For medical emergencies, call 911 or visit the closest emergency room.
Prenatal, Pregnancy & Postpartum |
Caring for a Baby |
Breastfeeding |
We acknowledge that individuals of all sex and gender identities/expressions may be in a feeding relationship with their baby. The term “breastfeeding” refers to feeding directly from the breast. Some individuals may use the term “chestfeeding” rather than “breastfeeding”, or use “chest milk” rather than “breastmilk. We recognize language is constantly evolving, and we strive to use gender-affirming language when talking about infant feeding and parenting.
Infant Feeding Survey |
Do you have a baby under the age of six months? The Health Unit wants to hear from you! We are doing a study to learn about how people feed their babies in the first six months. This will help us improve services for new parents and babies in our community. Learn more on our Infant Feeding Survey webpage. |
Mental Health |
Parenting |
Keeping Your Family Healthy and Safe |
Feeding Your Child |