The food you eat during pregnancy gives you energy and helps you feel good. By eating a variety of foods and taking a daily prenatal supplement you will get the nutrients needed to help nourish your body as well as your growing baby. Eating well includes more than the food you eat and may look different to everyone.
During pregnancy aim to eat three balanced meals a day with nutritious snacks in between. During the second and third trimester and while you are breastfeeding you need a little more food each day to support your baby’s growth. Check out tips and tools for healthy eating during pregnancy.
Changes During Pregnancy
Your body goes through many changes in pregnancy. Trust that your body will change in the way that is right for you and your baby. It is normal, and expected, that you will gain weight and the amount of weight gained varies from person to person and with each pregnancy.
Monitoring weight is one of many ways that a healthcare provider will assess your pregnancy. If you are not comfortable being weighed, let your healthcare provider know.
Folate is an important vitamin that helps build healthy blood and tissues for you and your baby. Extra folic acid is needed to reduce the risks of neural tube defects (NTDs). NTDs are birth defects that affect the baby's brain and spine. In addition to the folic acid you get from your prenatal multivitamin it is important to eat folate-rich foods such as oranges, legumes, dark green vegetables and enriched grain products.
Iron is an essential mineral that you need for good health throughout life. During pregnancy you may need to eat more iron in your diet. It is important to take a multivitamin that contains iron. Eating iron-rich foods such as meats, legumes, eggs and nuts, is also important so your baby will have a good supply of iron at birth.
Take a daily prenatal supplement
In addition to eating a variety of foods, a daily prenatal supplement can help make sure you get the extra iron and folate you need during pregnancy.
Choose a prenatal supplement that provides:
- 0.4mg (400mcg) of folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in your baby
- 16-20mg of iron
- May also contain vitamin D, that will help you meet your needs
Foods to Limit or Avoid
- Fish is a great source of omega-3 fats that are important for your baby's brain, nerves and eyes. Eat fish twice a week. However, limit fish that are high in mercury.
- Limit your daily intake of caffeine to no more than 300 mg per day when you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Sources of caffeine include coffee, tea, soda pop, energy drinks and chocolate.
- Avoid these foods that may become contaminated with bacteria:
- Raw fish, especially shellfish such as oysters and clams
- Undercooked meat, poultry and seafood
- Deli meats and hot dogs, unless cooked to steaming hot
- All foods made with raw or lightly cooked eggs such as salad dressings
- Unpasteurized milk products
- Unpasteurized juices, such as unpasteurized apple cider
- Raw sprouts, especially alfalfa sprouts
- Pâtés, including vegetarian pâtés
- Artificial sweeteners are safe during pregnancy. It is important that foods and drinks made with these do not replace healthier options.
For More Information
Download a copy of Eating Well During Pregnancy for more healthy eating information.
To speak with a Public Health Nurse please call the Family Health Information Line 1-800-563-2808 ext. 5351 or email
Dial 811 to call Health Connect Ontario and to speak directly to a registered dietitian about nutrition and healthy eating.