Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene Resources
Resource Name and Target Audience | Description | Image |
Grades: K-8
The Glidderbug is a UV lamp that can be used to do hand washing demonstrations in a bright environment.
The Healthy Hands: Hand Hygiene Resource Manual aligns with the Ontario Curriculum to support teachers, students and their families with good hand washing practices and information. This resource includes lots of great activities and lessons around the topics of germs and healthy hand hygiene.
Healthy Hands: Hand Hygiene Resource Manual
There is a Hand Hygiene Resource Kit in your school for your use. Please see the secretary or principal for this resource.
Book the Glidderbug now |

Healthy Eating
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience
Food Model Kits
Grades: K-3
Food model kits include a variety of healthy food items from each food group. Items show healthy serving sizes and can be used to teach about healthy and balanced meals.
Food Model Kit Activities
Book the Food Model Kit now

Blender Bike
Grades: 3-12
The Blender Bike is a great way to promote healthy eating and physical activity at school and community events! It can blend foods and beverages, such as smoothies, simply through the motion of pedaling the bike. Loads of fun for participants and viewers!
Blender Bike User Guide and Agreement
Book the Blender Bike now

The Sip Smart Wheel and Backdrop
Grades: 3-7
The Sip Smart Wheel is a great interactive activity for your next school event! After spinning the wheel, participants can guess how many sugar cubes are in the drink they land on. The 16 drinks are grouped together and colour coded to reflect the “choose everyday”, “choose sometimes”, and “avoid” messaging.
Available in French.
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Teacher Resource Guide
Book the Sip Smart Wheel and Backdrop now

Healthy Eating Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to learn about healthy eating!
App Name
App Description
Downloadable Link
Issa’s Edible Adventures
Is your little one an aspiring chef? Download this app to explore the excitement of working in a restaurant kitchen while learning about different foods from around the world.

Issa's Edible Adventures iOS
Find in-classroom and school resources to promote healthy eating at school.
Injury Prevention
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience
Brain Mold
Grades: K-10
Use the brain mold to stress the importance of wearing a helmet. Create a gelatin brain using the instructions provided. Use the mold in a variety of ways such as placing the mold in a bike helmet and letting it drop to the ground. Repeat without a helmet.
Book a Brain Mold now |

Concussion Goggles
Grades: 3-12
Use this kit to simulate the debilitating effects of a traumatic brain injury. Both an elementary and secondary user guide are included.
Book the Concussion Goggles now |

Injury Prevention Apps
Download one of these really great apps to help students to stay safe!
App Name
App Description
Downloadable Link
Caillou Check Up

Caillou Check Up iOS
Caillou Check Up Android
Concussion Ed
Concussion Ed is a tool to prevent, recognize, and manage concussions. Concussion Ed provides a method to track signs and symptoms of concussion, following a diagnosis. This is a great resource for parents, educators or coaches!

Concussion Ed iOS
Concussion Ed Android
Monster Heart Medic
Monster Heart Medic leads you through animations, simulations, achievements, and arcade games where you will learn about how to maintain a healthy heart and body. |

Monster Heart Medic iOS
CDC Heads Up Rocket Blades
Grades: 1-3
HEADS UP Rocket Blades teaches concussion safety in a futuristic world of galactic racing adventures. Players will learn about the importance of head protection, how to recognize the symptoms of a concussion, and the importance of resting prior to returning to activity when a head injury is sustained.

CDC Heads Up Android
CDC Heads Up iOS
Mental Health
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience | Description | Image |
40 Developmental Assets Building Blockbusters
Grades: 7-12
Helping to look at both internal and external assets and how to build them in youth.
Instruction Manual and Definitions
Book the Building Blockbusters now
Brain Architecture Game
Grades: 7-12
The Brain Architecture game lets you build a brain while using cards to determine your life path. Explore the powerful role of relationships and brain development.
Book the Brain Architecture Game now
Emoji Matching
Grades: 1-3 & special needs
Learning how to express and identify emotions is an important part of social development and the base for relationships. This kit allows students to interact through scenarios with 7 basic emotions.
Available in French.
Book the Emoji Matching Kit now
Eco-emotions Game
The eco-emotions game is used to foster a classroom community and stimulate conversations about mental health, climate change, and their real-world consequences. The educator guide includes recommended lesson plans, readings, assessment prompts, and curriculum connections.
Grades 4-8 Educator Guide
Grades 9-12 Educator Guide
Available in French.
Book the Eco-emotions Game now
Mental Health Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to support mental health!
App Name
App Description
Headspace: Meditation & Mindfulness
Headspace helps you focus, breathe, stay calm, perform at your best, and get a better night’s rest. It helps individuals by developing life-changing skills such as relaxation, meditation and mindfulness. |

Headspace iOS
Headspace Android
Zen Studio
Zen studio is a finger painting app designed to help children relax and focus. A calm, soothing music algorithm accompanies every swipe of the finger making it a very soothing experience! |

Zen Studio iOS
Grades: K-12
Calm assists in alleviating stress, anxiety and sleeping troubles through mindfulness practices including guided meditations, breathing exercises, stretching programs, music and sleep stories. With a variety of mindfulness topics and lengths to choose from, Calm provides a relaxing experience for everyone.
(free or subscription based for additional features)

Calm Android
Calm iOS
Grades: 4-12
Happify is all about reducing stress, building resiliency, and overcoming negative thoughts through playing science-based games. Using evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy, this app is full of fun, mood boosting activities.
(free or subscription based for additional features)

Happify Android
Happify iOS
Happy Color
Grades: K-12
Happy Color is a colour by number that promotes relaxation through the joy of colouring. With a variety of categories of paintings to explore, Happy Color offers a soothing moment to relax your mind.
Happy Color iOS
Happy Color Android
Cosmic Kids
Grades: K-4
Cosmic Kids is a video based app that provides child friendly yoga, including Frozen, Minecraft, Star Wars and Moana themed sessions. Throughout the sessions, mindfulness is explained in a way that resonates with children.
(free trial followed by subscription)

Cosmic Kids Android
Cosmic Kids iOS
Smiling Mind
Grades: K-12
Smiling Mind is a resource designed to assist in dealing with the pressure, stress and challenges of everyday life. Breathing meditations and sensory activities bring balance while training your mind!
Smiling Mind Android
Smiling Mind iOS
Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame
Breathe, Think, Do is an introduction to mindfulness and emotional awareness to assist in coping with frustrating and distressing situations facing younger grade schoolers. It assists in instilling skills such as problem solving, self-control, planning and task persistence through animations, playful interactions and personalized encouragements.
Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame Android
Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame iOS
Oral Health
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience
Oral Health Teaching Puppets (large)
Grades: K-8
Choose from one of three large puppets (dinosaur, alligator or dragon) to teach your students about proper brushing and flossing.
Kit includes large toothbrush, teaching puppet, brushing/flossing poster and carrying case as well as toothbrushes, flossers and timers for your class. Be sure to include the number of students and age group when placing an order.
Book the Oral Health Teaching puppets (large) now
*Note: Due to COVID-19 the puppets are to be handled only by the teacher, not passed around to the students, and are not to be shared between classes
Oral Health Teaching Puppets (small)
Grades: K-8
Choose from one of three small puppets (dinosaur, monkey or dog) to teach your students about proper brushing and flossing.
Kit includes large toothbrush, teaching puppet, brushing/flossing poster and carrying case as well as toothbrushes, flossers and timers for your class. Be sure to include the number of students and age group when placing an order.
Book the Oral Health Teaching Puppets (small) now
*Note: Due to COVID-19 the puppets are to be handled only by the teacher, not passed around to the students, and are not to be shared between classes
Toothbrushes, Flossers and Timers
Grades: K-8
Give your students the tools to practice good oral health! Order a class set of toothbrushes, flossers and timers. Be sure to include the number of students and age group when placing an order.
Order Toothbrushes, Flossers and Timers now |
Oral Health Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to learn about proper brushing and Oral Health!
App Name | App Description | Downloadable Link |
Animal Brushing Teeth for Kids
This app allows students the chance to practice brushing their teeth on an assortment of different animals.
Download Animal Brushing Teeth for Kids iOS
An app that provides students with the chance to practice brushing skills and clean the plaque off of teeth. This interactive activity includes a timer, divides the mouth into four sections and has varying levels of difficulty (i.e. amount of plaque). |

Brushing iOS
Brush Up
A video that shows students how to their brush teeth properly.
Brush Up iOS
Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B
A fun way to brush your teeth! Listen along to your favourite Disney song while brushing.
Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B iOS
Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B Android
Toothsavers Brushing Game
This app includes several great activities to help students practice oral hygiene care! Includes a story and an interactive game that allows students to save people by brushing their teeth. It also gives participants the opportunity to practice brushing their teeth by following along with a video or by practicing with a friend (i.e. hold the tablet in front of you while friend brushes your teeth). |
Toothsavers Brushing Game
Tiny Dentist
Tiny Dentist (One time purchase)
Grade Level: K-3
Tiny Dentist turns your device into a dental office! You can learn about different dental instruments and treatments to prepare for your next trip to the dentist and alleviate any nerves or confusion.

Tiny Dentist Android
Tiny Dentist iOS
Physical Activity
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience
Playground Stencils
Grades: K-8
Playground stencils are a great way to help kids be more active! Whether it be classic hopscotch, snakes and ladders or a four square, playground stencils will liven up your playground.
Click to view stencils:
Book Playground Stencils now
Click to view stencils that are available from the Parry Sound Public Library
For the Parry Sound area book stencils at:
Parry Sound Public Library 29 Mary Street Parry Sound, ON Phone: 705-746-9601

Grades: 4-8
These portable electronic pedometers count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips. A great way to track physical activity! Set includes 58 monitors.
Book the Pedometers now
Physical Activity Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to promote physical activity!
App Name
App Description
Downloadable Link
GoNoodle provides dancing, yoga and mindfulness activities to keep you active in a fun and exciting way! |

GoNoodle iOS
GoNoodle Android
Sworkit Kids
Grades: K-12
Sworkit provides a variety of fun workouts to use as brain breaks, warm-ups/cooldowns, or more vigorous physical activity for all ages. Sworkit’s mission is to make a positive and long-lasting impact on children’s exercise habits through instilling a love for exercise. Educators can access the full premium version for free!
(free for kids and educators)
Sworkit Android
Sworkit iOS
Sweat Deck
Grades: K-12
Sweat Deck builds healthy habits as you move through a deck of exercise cards. Work through a variety of simple yet effective exercises that target numerous muscle groups.
(free or paid version for additional features)
Sweat Deck iOS
PE Shake
Grades: K-12
In one simple shake of your device, one of 100 warm-up exercises will be selected. With minimal equipment and set up required, each PE session can begin with a new and exciting warm up game that students will love.
(One time purchase)
PE Shake iOS
Human Development and Sexual Health
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience | Description | Image |
Virtual Sexual Health Kit
Grades: 8-12
Multiple birth control methods described explaining what it is, how to properly use it and the advantages/disadvantages of each method.
Available Virtual
Emoji Matching
Grades: 1-3 and special needs
Learning how to express and identify emotions is an important part of social development and the base for relationships. This discussion allows students to interact through scenarios with 7 basic emotions.
Curriculum Expectations
Available in French.
Book the Emoji Matching Kit now
Love, Like or Leave Activity
Grades: 3-5
This activity gets students thinking about their values and beliefs relating to behaviours in friendships and romantic relationships. It explores healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Curriculum Expectations
Available in French.
Book the Love, Like or Leave Activity now
Gender Jungle
Grades: 3-5
This discussion plays as a competitive trivia tournament, asking teams to answer reflective questions and to think critically about what media is, the influence it may have on us, and the messages we learn about gender and our roles
Curriculum Expectations
Available in French.
Book the Gender Jungle Game now
What are my Decisions
Grades: 7-10
Students will discover how situations surrounding their actions can change depending on a circumstance, and how their decisions can impact their present and future health. They will also gain valuable skills for discussing their boundaries and values, equipping them for conversations to ensure consent and negotiation skills for birth control and/or condom use.
Curriculum Expectations
Available in French.
Book What are my Decisions now
Pressure and Consent: Drugs and Sexual Activity
Grades: 8 +
This activity will familiarize students with the facts about alcohol and marijuana, pressure and consent for sexual activities and relationships.
Curriculum Expectations
Available in French.
Book the Pressure and Consent: Drugs and Sexual Activity now
Human Development and Sexual Health Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to promote healthy choices!
App Name
App Description
Downloadable Link
Real Talk
Grades: 9-12
Real Talk (free)
Grade Level: 9-12
Real Talk aims to make sexual education relatable and accessible through addressing questions regarding puberty, gender, relationships, bullying and more through the use of real teens’ stories. Teens can select a story that is relatable to them, read a text interaction of real teens discussing the subject, and will be directed to credible resources that can assist them in navigating the situation at hand.
Real Talk iOS
Grades: 7-10
Amaze Jr
Grades K-5
Amaze and Amaze Jr aim to answer questions about sexual orientation, gender identity, personal safety, etc. through age appropriate animations. With a library of credible content, Amaze aims to provide informative answers to big questions.
Amaze Jr Amaze
Alcohol, Tobacco, Vape and Substance Use
Resources available to borrow
Name and Target Audience
Vaping: What’s the Hype?
Grades: 5-9
A curriculum-linked vaping prevention toolkit. The toolkit aims to support discussion and critical thinking to help youth make informed decisions for their health. Includes resource cards, an educator guide and online content. Available in French.
Toolkit materials:
Book Vaping: What's the Hype? now
Clem’s Phlegm
Grades: 4-12
This is a great discussion starter for any anti-smoking lesson or program! This sealed jar contains about 2 weeks of the phlegm that would be coughed up by a smoker with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Book Clem's Phlegm now
Mr. Gross Mouth
Grades: 4-12
Hinged model of teeth, tongue, and oral cavity shows the effects of using smokeless tobacco. Includes a bottle of simulated tobacco and instructions show how to make the tongue "split." Several oral cancers, gum disease, cavities and loss of teeth can be illustrated on this model.
Book Mr. Gross Mouth now |
Pig Lungs
Grades: 4-12
A great way to educate students on the
harmful effects of tobacco! This pig lung kit simulates a smoker's lung and a set of preserved pig lungs to demonstrate differences in colour and texture between a smoker's and a non-smoker's lungs.
Pig Lung Demonstration Kit
Book the Pig Lungs now |
Year's Worth of Tar
Grades: 4-12
A great way to show the actual effects
of smoking! This graphic, sealed exhibit contains a pack of cigarettes and cigarette butts submerged in gooey tar. The tar in this jar represents the amount of carcinogenic liquid one-pack-a-day smokers put into their lungs over a year's time.
Book the Year's Worth of Tar now
Fatal Vision Goggles
Grades: 9-12
These goggles can be used to demonstrate how alcohol impairs a person’s balance, vision, reaction time and judgment. This kit includes 7 goggles all having different levels of impairment (blood alcohol concentration) with the highest impairment level demonstrating binge or high risk drinking.
Book the Fatal Vision Goggles now
Fatal Vision Cannabis Impairment Goggles
Grades: 9-12
These goggles help simulate the effects of cannabis use, including loss of motor coordination, slowed decision-making and reaction time, and distorted vision. The kit comes with instructional materials and videos to help conduct activities to simulate impairment.
Book the Fatal Vision Cannabis Impairment Goggles now
Alcohol, Tobacco, Vape and Substance Use Apps
Download one of these really great apps for students to promote healthy choices and prevent tobacco and substance use!
App Name
App Description
Downloadable Link
Decision Maker or Decision Roulette
Create your own spinner by entering words or choosing icons for each possibility. Alter the fraction of any option to change the likelihood.
Decision Maker or Decision Roulette iOs
Decision Maker or Decision Roulette Android
DIY Human Body
DIY Human Body allows you to learn about the human body through hands-on activities related to your health. |
DIY Human Body iOS
Drug Facts 4 Young People
This comic-book style e-book focuses on the decision-making process and aims to give students the tools to help them make good choices. Topics include peer pressure, being a friend, decision making, setting goals and making positive choices. |

Drug Facts 4 Young People iOS
Drug Facts 4 Young People Android
Living Lung
The Living Lung™ is a real-time 3D health and communication tool that includes a model of the lungs that allows you to observe breaths per minutes and changes in lung volume.

Living Lung iOS
Tobacco Free Teens
Includes mini-games and activities to entertain and inform the user. Topics covered include: chemicals in tobacco, teens as targets of tobacco companies, myths about smoking, secondhand smoke and many more!

Tobacco Free Teens iOS
Trivia Maker – Quiz Creator
Trivia Maker is a fast and easy way to create fun and engaging trivia games. This app allows you to customize game shows and helps students prepare for tests. |

Trivia Maker - Quiz Creator iOS
Alcohol and Your Brain
Grades: 10-12
This health education app explains the physiological effects of alcohol on the developing brain through an evidence based 7 minute video. It explains the metabolism of alcohol by the body, blood alcohol concentration, and the changes to various structures of the brain that occur when alcohol is consumed in excess. After viewing the video, users can take a quiz to test their knowledge and ultimately gain the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Alcohol and Your Brain Android
Alcohol and Your Brain iOS
Pure Rush
Grades: 7-12
Pure Rush takes a different approach to substance use education through an interactive game in which players will learn about illegal drugs and their harms on the way to a music festival. Avoiding drugs is the key to success, both in the game and in the real world!

Pure Rush iOS